It was short of a masterpiece; but the attempt to be different and hold to the traditional brown ale style kept it afloat.
Appearance: Dark brown, not much head, it looked lively and inviting.
The scent of this beer was everything good about Tampa; espresso
coffee, delicious pastries at Segundo Bakery, or just a Tampa style
Cuban Media Noche- The scent invited me to Ybor City.
Taste: The
Espresso really does not linger like a good coffee should, as the brown
ale tradition was favored over any of the other flavors. I was hoping
for more of a stout beer than this brown ale. Because a stout or a
porter, can go heavier in flavor and not affect the overall beer style. I
think they did a fine job of maintaining tradition with an updated
Mouth Feel: The taste at first lingered on the front of
the palate only and slowly worked its way to the back. I was hoping for a
coated feeling from the espresso.
As I drink more of this from
my growler the taste becomes ever so nice. It still is not in the 4-5
Outstanding. But its better than an average beer. Also I loved that Ybor
attempted to take a brown ale and work it with heavy flavors. Does any
one else do this? Or has any one attempted to do this? So I think they
deserve a special mention for being daring to try and innovate the
industry. But a 4-5 makes me want to shout out loud and share the good
news with everyone else, this beer did not raise my shout out loud
I am exploring beer and will share a number of beers in the future. I think it is fun to learn about micro beers and then attempt to share them with my readers. I hope you have fun reading my blog as much as I enjoy reporting the beer.
Mazol Tov,
Gregorio Roth