Friday, September 24, 2010

Learning to Write Clearly

I am serious about the craft of writing. I seek clarity in my words and ideas, something I have always struggled with. I desire to read as many books as possible in the 808 section of the Dewey Decimal Library Section.  808 is where the books on the craft of writing stay when they take up residence in the library.    I want my blog to be read and understood by anyone interested in where culture and life collide.     I want to stir in others the desire to become good at what they do, with a bit of panache in how they live it.  

 We want to be understood and not make bung holes out of all of our great ideas.  I often unravel my thoughts when I speak or write.However, getting the big picture idea is very difficult for me.  I often go off like a bullet and am reeling back. I often am trying to get back and missing the flow of the conversation.  I could blame it on my ADHD!    If  Hunter S. Thompson could keep to a central theme, even while on LSD, then I can write with clarity.


Adam Rex (whose latest, Fat Vampire, I really enjoyed) pens what is perhaps the greatest "letter-to-self" I've ever read.
Understand that your brain, which is not as smart as you think it is, will file the anonymous car-shouters in the same cabinet where it keeps a review from The Washington Post. And that it will highlight any and all negative passages with ink so ostentatiously yellow that you will be able to read them in your dreams. The part of your brain which currently sucker-punches you with humiliating junior high school memories during random quiet moments is going to discover its true calling after people start publishing your fiction. It’s really going to come into its own. You know the part of the brain I’m talking about. It’s located in your gut, despite all medical evidence to the contrary.

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