So I looked up Kresany's show on KQED, and found a great interview with Barbara Kingsolver. Kingsolver politely states her environmental position in her new book: Flight Behavior. Her gentle spirit is respectful to all. She knows how to bridge the biological scientific position with the people who need natural resources for their livelihoods She also knows how to explain the complicated scientific questions with "real life."
Kingsolver loves how readers engage with her books. She is fascinated with how every reader can interpret the story in new and unique ways. She illustrates that reading books and engaging in conversation is a key to being a good citizen to the community in which one lives . The books act as "a new medicine" to cure what currently affects you, or at least begin a search for an elixir.
I look forward to reading Flight Behavior as the subject of the book sounds invigorating and timely.
Here is the interview, enjoy:
Here is a book excerpt from Flight Behavior as provided by Good Reads: "the intensity, glory, and absolute assuredness if my mind's flight made it very