Monday, March 21, 2011

42 Days with Huck Finn 29:42

English-Men, with right flare;
tell the truth, straight, just so.
"King" is of freebooting breed,
English paint us, Frauds indeed.
Tension, intrigue, feels the air.
The truth told straight, just so,
takes care.

We could not avoid their eyes,
peering into our souls with mite.
Gold buried, we in need
to keep from being hung indeed.
We hoped to feed the home breed
with more and more and more lies,
lies could paint everything a white-
Form based on Verse by William Dunbar fl. 1547-1549 
Davie, Donald. The New Oxford Book of Christian Verse. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, 1981. pg 5 

The Story continues and finds that the townies have begun to dig up the grave in the pale moonlight:

 "By the living jingo, here's the bag of gold on his breast." 
I lit out and shined for the road in the dark, there ain't nobody can tell. 
I had the road all to myself, and I fairly flew-least ways I had it all to myself except the sold dark, and the now-and -then glares, and the buzzing of the rain, and the thrashing of the wind, and the splitting of the thunder; and as you are born I did clip it along."

Huck makes it to the river finds Jim, and they think they are free of the King and the Dauphin, but their luck runs out when they see the two frauds up the road.

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