Monday, May 16, 2011

Moby-Dick XVII-Ramadan

This piece is part of the show "Chasing the Whale in Northern Kentucky:
 Local Artists Respond to Moby-Dick.  I ran the image through GimpPhoto and
cartoonized it.   I am thankful for who ever did this great fabric representation
of Yojo.
Ramadan, sacred-holy cabaret,
Quequeq held to the fast during the day.
He prayed to Yojo, "all the crew be fed!"
He prayed to Yojo "save us from the dead!"

Ishmael-"All men should be free to go forth,
to all their Gods,  praying with all their worth.
Least a bishop came and made hearts numb,
our protestant faith should be a hearty welcome."

But as hours grew late, and the door remained locked.
Ishmael became upset and put forth a different frock.

Based on Verse Written by Francis Quarles 1592-1644:
"About 1633 he returned to England, and spent the next two years in the preparation of his Emblems. In 1639 he was made city chronologer, a post in which Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton had preceded him. At the outbreak of the Civil War he took the Royalistside, drawing up three pamphlets in 1644 in support of the king's cause. It is said that his house was searched and his papers destroyed by the Parliamentarians in consequence of these publications."(From Wikipedia Article on his Life).

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